kW Engineering | Sustainable Buildings & Energy Efficiency Consulting

Applying M&V Concepts & IPMVP Options


Measuring energy savings has become an expected skill for a wide range of building professionals, from energy consultants to stationary engineers. This full-day training will explore the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP), which is the gold standard for M&V procedures in the energy efficiency industry.

The course will provide an overview of M&V, define key terms, and review its key concepts. It will present and discuss M&V Options A, B, C, and D as defined in IPMVP, and review example savings calculations for each option.

  • Option A: Retrofit Isolation Approach: Baseline and post-installation energy use are estimated using an engineering analysis of measurements of the most critical parameter.
  • Option B: Retrofit Isolation or System-Level Approach: Baseline and post-installation energy uses are estimated by measuring all relevant parameters.
  • Option C: Whole-Building Verification: When several systems have been retrofitted, verification methods determine savings by studying overall energy use in a facility.
  • Option D: Whole-Building or Component-Level Verification: Calibrated computer simulation models of component or whole-building energy consumption determine energy savings.

The training will also include in-class exercises where the class participants will apply the different M&V options by calculating energy savings for a variety of project scenarios. This training will be taught by David Jump of kW Engineering. David is a long-standing member of the IPMVP Committee and a major contributor to this protocol.

He presents a cost-effective approach to EBCx and developing a prioritized migration strategy for controls upgrade, using analytics to serve as a framework that Owners and facility managers can use to justify a controls modernization project. Using analytics on the onset of any controls modernization project enables control system migrations to happen at the Owner’s pace, allowing new controllers to be strategically integrated with existing equipment. This allows organizations to develop migration strategies and prioritize controls upgrades without having to “rip and replace” their entire hardware and software systems.