kW Engineering | Sustainable Buildings & Energy Efficiency Consulting

NMEC and M&V 2.0


Enhance your understanding of NMEC (Normalized Metered Energy Consumption) and M&V 2.0 with our specialized training programs, led by our in-house expert, David Jump, PhD, P.E., CMVP. We offer tailored training sessions suitable for all education levels, ensuring that everyone from beginners to advanced practitioners can benefit. Gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills to effectively implement these advanced measurement and verification techniques in your projects.

David Jump PhD, P.E., CMVP David Jump has over 26 years of experience providing engineering and energy efficiency services to utilities and large commercial customers. His expertise includes energy savings measurement and verification (M&V), building commissioning, energy auditing and managing project reviews for utilities and public and private sector building owners. He has provided energy efficiency project development and M&V in hospitals, universities, K-12 schools, offices, high technology buildings, laboratories, and refrigerated warehouses. His teams provide technical review and assistance in implementing M&V for commercial whole building efficiency projects and industrial strategic energy management programs. David has contributed to numerous M&V Guidelines, including the US Department of Energy’s FEMP M&V Guidelines, ASHRAE Guideline 14-2014, and EVO’s International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). He has authored or contributed to numerous practical M&V guidelines including for the US Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program, the Bonneville Power Administration and the California Commissioning Collaborative. More recently he has developed whole building M&V Plans for California’s NMEC programs, and Seattle City Light’s Energy Efficiency as a Service program.