kW Engineering | Sustainable Buildings & Energy Efficiency Consulting

NMEC R Package

Open-Source R Package

NMECR, an open-source R package, analyzes commercial building energy consumption using a meter-based, whole-building approach for site-specific measurement and verification (M&V) of energy efficiency projects.

Developed in-house, the goal was to provide a free analysis toolset for M&V using a normalized metered energy consumption (NMEC) approach to increase the cost-effectiveness of verifying project energy savings.

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Customers & Current Implemenentation

Utility programs and organizations currently using nmecr include the following. We also offer consulting for nmecr installation, customization and training if needed.

Northern California & Washington


NMEC program offerings including CoolSave, Smart Labs, Commercial Whole Building and Public Sector Programs


In-house energy efficiency research

Seattle City Light

Energy Efficiency as a Service Program

Southern California

SCE and SoCalGas Partnerships

High opportunity projects and programs (HOPPs) offerings including the public sector Performance-Based Retrofit (PBR) Program


Comprehensive Energy Management Solutions (CEMS) Program for NMEC projects


Commercial Restaurant Retrofit (CRR) Program


Energy Efficiency Project Delivery Program for municipal buildings

Featured Project

We provided NMEC M&V analysis using nmecr for two lab projects at the University of California Santa Barbara as part of the HOPPs initiative which was co-funded by SoCalGas and Southern California Edison.

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Code Library Features

Offering enhanced NMEC M&V analysis in single package for the first time, nmecr is free for use under the MIT open source license and includes features such as:

Multiple Modeling Algorithm Flexibility

Allowing users to develop the best fitting model for their application such as:

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s time-of-week and temperature model
Change-point models based on ASHRAE’s inverse modeling toolkit
Simple linear regression
Heating degree-day and cooling degree day algorithms

Time Interval Options

Using hourly, daily, or monthly intervals for energy models.

Improved Model Accuracy

Using additional independent variables 

Multiple Use Cases

Include prescreening, calculating avoided energy use, and normalized energy savings based on typical weather data.


With vignettes provide an overview of the tool, code examples and results.

We are pioneers in using whole-building, interval meter data to track and verify energy project savings, have authored numerous guidelines and implemented these approaches for many utility programs.
By streamlining analysis of energy efficiency projects, we can devote more resources to finding more energy savings in more buildings.

How to Install

Download NMEC R on GitHub