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When is Title 24 (T24) Mechanical Acceptance Testing Required for an Occupancy Permit?


We’ve recently seen an uptick in city and county building inspectors asking for mechanical acceptance forms prior to granting an occupancy permit. This trend demonstrates that perhaps code enforcement is catching up to code.

As of the 2013 California energy code, effective July 1, 2014, mechanical acceptance testing (MAT) is required for all projects seeking a building permit.

While California Energy code is mandated by the California Energy Commission statewide, it is enforced at the local level by Cities and Counties. It is ultimately up to your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to ask for acceptance forms. In our experience, MAT checks are not uniformly enforced. We recommend confirming with your local inspector early in the permitting process on their final inspection criteria.

How Do I Know Which MAT Forms Are Required?

The best place to check is the Certificate of Compliance forms, specifically form NRCC-MCH-01-E. These are usually incorporated into the plan set. The required acceptance tests should be specified by the designer and confirmed during plan check.

In absence of specified forms, we recommend using your best judgment and conferring with your local inspector on scope.


Do I Need a Certified Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician?

Technically, yes. Currently, no. But soon.

2016 code, §120.5(b), requires all acceptance test to be performed by a Certified Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician. See excerpt below.


However, currently this requirement cannot be enforced due to lack of certified CMATTs. Per 2016 code, Section 10-103.2, there must be at least 300 certified technicians statewide before this requirement can go into effect. See excerpt below.


Certification training is currently offered through the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) and National Energy Management Institute Committee (NEMIC). Per latest research through online listings, there are approximately 200 certified MATTs in California.

Who Can Fill Out the T24 Mechanical Forms?

Until there are 300 CMATTs, any field technician, installing contractor or third party can conduct the acceptance test. However, only a licensed professional (i.e. Professional Engineer, Architect or Building Contractor) can be the “Responsible Person” for the purposes of compliance certification.


Once there are 300 CMATTs, only they may fill out top portion.

How Do I know Once There Are 300 CMATTs?

As of this blog post, latest CEC information shows there are not enough CMATTs to trigger enforcement. Keep an eye out on their website to keep current on this status.

For information on existing CMATTs see here:

Where Do I Find T24 Mechanical Acceptance Forms?

All mechanical forms can be found at the California Energy Commission’s website located here:

Be Prepared

Even though the system is still in limbo and it’s not yet required, it’s best to familiarize yourself to fulfill this requirement. If you need any help with T24 Lighting or Mechanical Acceptance testing, contact us anytime.


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