kW Engineering | Sustainable Buildings & Energy Efficiency Consulting

aceee 2020 summer study

Instead of engineers gathering by the picturesque oceanside retreat of Asilomar, energy expertise will be shared purely with pixels, both of people and papers. Though our energy engineers at kW Engineering will miss the randomly assigned dining hall seating, and indecisiveness around choosing which presentations to attend, they are excited to share energy efficiency insights both virtually in-person and on ‘paper’. At this year’s first virtual ACEEE Summer Study, kW Engineering team members will participate in two presentations and share their knowledge in three papers.

At half the in-person fee, interested attendees may register to attend 2020 ACEEE Virtual Summer Study presentations, networking opportunities and gain access to more than 430 cutting-edge papers.

Energy Audits in the COVID-19 Era: Ways to Adapt

Attend Jim Kelsey’s (Founder and kW President) session on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 1:30 PM (PDT) / 4:30 PM (EDT) as he co-leads “Energy Audits in the COVID-19 Era: Ways to Adapt”. Helping energy auditors overcome the challenges of auditing during this unique time, attendees will learn best practices for navigating work onsite, effective remote approaches and discuss the roles of remote energy audits in the future.

Commercial Buildings: A Consultant, Program Implementer and State Regulator Were Sitting in a Bar (Pre-COVID)

Join David Jump, PhD, P.E., Director, and friends as they represent the main actors in the regulated world of energy efficiency (regulators, implementers and consultants) and host a panel on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 12:00 PM (PDT) / 3:00 PM (EDT). Get the insider scoop as they discuss their unique perspectives on achieving the same goal, to save the world with energy efficiency, through commercial building program energy efficiency programs.

Playing the Long Game: Case Studies of Three Meter Based Programs

David also co-authored this summer study paper which shares three innovative meter-based program case studies active in southern California which achieved remarkable levels of participation in different market sectors. These breakthrough approaches show great potential for wide-scale adoption of energy efficiency and empower stakeholders to focus on tracking and maintaining energy use and efficiency measure performance rather than on savings accounting. Program sector offerings include public (educations and institutional), industrial (food and process), and small and medium businesses (retails, banks, offices).

Energy Modelers Greatest Hits: An Open Source Multitool for Site-Level M&V

Be sure to check out Devan Johnson’s (kW Principal of Sustainable and IT Services) paper, co-authored with David Jump and kW’s resident data scientist Mrinalini Sharma. You can learn more about the free, open source, R package, called nmecr, which allows users to perform site-level, whole building energy use analysis. The paper presents the background behind nmecr, its application, components and common use cases.

Networking Alone Doesn’t Guarantee Success: Lessons Learned from a Trial Networked Lighting Control System Program

Smart building automation equipment like networked lighting control systems (NLCS) tantalize owners, operators, and occupants with promises of energy use data access. Approaches to quantifying related lighting savings for related utility incentive programs proves challenging though. Read more in this paper co-authored by James Donson, P.E., Project Manger, Lighting Guru, which presents both strengths and weaknesses to consider before launching incentive programs with findings presented from a NLCS trial project.

Register Today

Our engineers will sorely miss seeing you this year. But don’t miss out on valuable energy efficiency content and presentations by registering today for this this years ACEEE Summer Study. If you have any questions or interest on the topics presented, contact us anytime.

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